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Want to Protect Jefferson County from Corporate Farms? Take These Action Steps on the Daniels Site

This page has been updated to contain action steps advocated at the September 5 Huber Emergency Meeting.


1. Write to Bill Huber and let him know his CAFO is not welcome in Jefferson County. He needs to feel the pressure from Jefferson County residents to discourage this CAFO and any others he might be considering. 


Be polite but firm and share why you oppose his confinement and why you feel his CAFO will have a negative impact in the county. Suggested talking points are here and here


Bill Huber’s address as it appears on the DNR application, which is public information: 2483 Robbins Court, Washington, IA 52353. 


2. Or give him a call. From the DNR application: 319-653-2809 


3.Write Letters to the Editor to the Fairfield Ledger opposing the largest CAFO ever proposed for Jefferson County. Send your letters to Fairfield Ledger News Editor Andy Hallman. We’ll make sure to send Bill Huber copies of the newspaper when your letters are printed


4. Send a Public Comment to Bill Huber through Pleasant Plain Friends for Rural Preservation and email them here. They will forward your comments on to Huber. Share this link with your friends and invite them to submit comments too. 


5. Sign the Petition opposing the Huber CAFO if you are a Jefferson County resident. Then share this link with your friends and family so they can sign the petition, too. 


6. One more important thing: After taking these steps to protect Jefferson County from this current threat, contact your state legislators and demand they change Iowa laws to protect communities and the environment from factory farms.  

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