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“Factory Farms Are Creating Superbugs”

How We Can Protect Lifesaving Antibiotics - and Ourselves

Thursday, October 24, 2019 • 7:15 pm 

Fairfield Arts & Convention Center, Fairfield, IA

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Microbiologist, Milken Institute of Public Health

Founding Director, Antibiotic Resistance Action Center

George Washington University

Antibiotics, the miracle drug that saves countless lives, are in serious jeopardy. The vast majority of antibiotics – 70% according to the FDA – are administered to livestock and poultry—mostly in factory farms. The CAFO industry depends on low-dose usage of antibiotics to prevent disease in closely confined livestock, but this practice is generating antibiotic resistant bacteria, contributing to a growing public health threat.


Dr. Lance Price, a renowned microbiologist working on the forefront of this critical issue, speaks on the factory farm/superbug connection and what we need to do to protect these precious drugs during this year’s JFAN Annual Meeting.


Researchers have strongly believed that factory farms were generating antibiotic resistant bacteria, but a direct link is difficult to prove. A groundbreaking study co-authored by Dr. Price confirmed the link between livestock associated MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) and industrial pork production. Dr. Price will share how resistance occurs, how CAFOs contribute to the problem, and what must be done to protect lifesaving antibiotics. 

Dr. Price is a Professor in the Environmental and Occupational Health Department at The George Washington University Milken Institute of Public Health. He is the Founder and Director of the Antibiotic Resistance Action Center, through which Price engages with nongovernment organizations and policy makers to develop science-based policies to reduce antibiotic use in people and in livestock production. His research has been published in top peer-reviewed journals and covered in media outlets around the world.

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Lois Dovico, Owner of Dovico Gardens and Greenhouse in Batavia, Iowa, will share her story about contracting a life-threatening Staph and MRSA infection from well water contaminated with CAFO manure.


Dr. John Ikerd, Professor Emeritus, University of Missouri at Columbia,will give a brief overview of the public health threat that antibiotic use in factory farming poses to the general public.


Admission is free. A donation of $5 is welcome to support JFAN’s mission. 


JFAN is a 501(c)(3) educational foundation that has been working to protect Jefferson County’s quality of life from the proliferation of factory farms since 2005. Click here for more information on the event. 


We thank our community partners for cosponsoring this event:

Southeast Iowa Sierra Club, Sustainable Living Coalition and Little Village Magazine


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